The vagina is such an amazing organ, yes that's right its an organ, just like our heart, lungs and kidneys. When those organs have issues we seek help right? Well its no different with our vagina! With so much mis-information, and so much stigma surrounding women's reproductive system, I the self and public proclaimed Pussy Fairy wanted to clear the air. Let's talk about vaginal ph and focus on what it is and how to keep it within range. No worries if you have issues with your ph being off, WE ALL HAVE! Myself included, it is nothing to be ashamed of.
WHAT IS VAGINAL PH BALANCE: The vagina ph balance is about 3.8 to 4.5 which means its more on the acidic side. The acidity decreases as you get older.
WHAT CAUSES THE VAGINAL PH TO BE UN-BALANCED: Unprotected sex, pregnancy, menstrual period, chronic stress, diabetes, perfumes, detergents, and dyes in feminine products, diet (excessive sugar) low water intake, moisture, excessive tight clothing, not changing your pads often, not changing your tampon often which could also lead to toxic shock syndrome
Use condoms, sperm is alkaline, this is also important to prevent unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
Avoid wearing pantyliners all day, this traps moisture, excess moisture is a great environment for bacteria and fungi to breed.
Take your panties off, let her breathe!
Intake more raw fruits, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Urinate after sex, this includes penetration, oral sex, digital ( the use of fingers), and masturbation.
Wash and wipe your vagina from front to back, washing and wiping the wrong way, may introduce fecal matter into the vagina causing an over growth of bacteria and/or fungi.
Cleanse the areas between and around the vulva, clitoris, and peri-area. Use a mild cleanser with water. Do not insert cleanser into the vagina.
USE MD/NURSE APPROVED PLANT BASED AYADE FEMININE PRODUCTS. These products help prevent and treat issues with the delicate environment of our vagina.