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It’s that time of the Month!!!

Jessica Kates

OH NO! We have checked our calendar, looked at our period tracker apps on our phone, watches, and laptops, we head to the bathroom cause something is going on down there! THEN BOOM, here she is! The rag, shark week, crimson tide, aunt flow, we have too many names for this dreaded time of the month that messes up, our day, week, plans, panties and sheets! UGHHH! We have all felt this way. Now let's change our thought process on how we view our sacred, divine feminine time, because honestly face it, if we did not have this magical time of the month, nobody would exist! 

Our period and menstrual cycle are actually two different things. Our menstrual cycle is a process that last all month.  Our period is the actual bleeding phase. There are four phases of our menstrual cycle.

  • PHASE I ( BLEEDING)  MENSTRUAL PHASE: There is release of stagnation and letting go the previous month, Day 1 of your period ( bleeding) is the first day of your menstrual cycle. Mood may be low or withdrawn. This is the time of rest, stillness, extra nourishment, pamper yourself, take long baths, meditate, focus on positivity, journal, drink sacred yoni tea to help ease the pms symptoms, keep your feet warm.  Your feet and hips should stay warm they are connected to each other. Cold feet can cause tension in the hips and lower back. This phase has a very low pregnancy possibility, and most likely experience pms symptoms. Relax and embrace this phase that you are in YOU ARE WOMB-MAN!

  • PHASE II FOLLICULAR PHASE (THE BEST OF THE ENTIRE CYCLE): This is our growth phase. Estrogen is stimulated to support the thickening of the uterus. This occurs in preparation to hold a baby. This is where eggs mature in the ovaries. 11-20 eggs mature, but only one matures completely. This phase is a low pregnancy possibility, normally no PMS symptoms are present. You may feel more motivated, driven and energized! YOU ARE A GODDESS!

  • PHASE III OVULATION PHASE: The egg ruptures and is released from the ovarian follicle. After the egg is released it stays there for 12-24 hours. This is when the egg travels down the Fallopian tube and awaits to be fertilized by sperm. Progesterone is also secreted, this is creates an optimal environment for pregnancy, this is the phase where the chances of getting pregnant is high. Uncommon to experience pms symptoms during this phase. This phase is about channeling inner desires and creativity. You may feel more sensual, social, focused and determined. Embrace it all! YOU ARE POWERFUL

  • PHASE IIII LUTEAL PHASE: During this phase the corpus luteum shrinks and die into tiny scar tissue.  Your progesterone levels will drop, and the uterine lining will shed during your period. Most likely to experience pms symptoms at this time. This phase is about slowing down and reflecting, in preparation for a new cycle. You may feel slower, reserved and somewhat anti-social, and thats ok. Drink your sacred yoni tea, and focus on how divine you are.  YOUR ARE A QUEEN!


  • Periods that are unpredictable, or comes at irregular times

  • Periods that last for over 7 days

  • Periods that last less 2-3 days 

  • Severe cramping 

  • Menstrual blood that is dark brown, purple, or has an unusual odor.


Now that we have been educated on our menstrual cycle, we no longer need to think of it as time of irritation, inconvenience, or stress. This is a time of worship, honor yourself because YOU ARE A WOMAN! We are the creators, we turn seeds and eggs into humans, that in itself is MAGIC! Sacred, divine, beautifully made, goddess, honor everything that you are. 




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